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About Natalie

My Story


My name is Natalie Pelto and I am a Nutritional Therapist, Detox Specialist and soon to be Certified Cancer Prevention Advisor. I also come from a medical background in diagnostics where I worked in CT and xray.  I am a proud mother to 3 bright and energetic children and wife to the most wonderful husband out there.


My health journey started when my son was almost diagnosed with Autism. Years of research brought me into the world of Nutrition quickly followed by Essential oils. These tools were there to support my son as his body healed itself. I'm happy to say that my son is vibrant, happy and full of life and now has a voice to share it with. My family has never looked back since.


The combination of Nutrition and Essential Oils are the most powerful tools I believe a person should have access to live the vibrant healthy life we are meant to have. In this world of quick fix drug solutions the root of most problems are usually not addressed.  Our bodies are an amazing healing detoxifying system, but it has needs to run optimally and in my experience these tools can help immensely. I have truly fallen in love with this natural way of life and can't get enough of it. I work in the  medical field and deal with the sick every day and have seen so many people who are looking for answers to a better way of life. Let me show you that way.......




Digestive wellness

Food allergies & intolerance

Healthy cooking / meal planning

Diet and Detoxification

Elimination diets

Longevity and Cancer Prevention Protocols

Fasting Regimes

Essential Oils

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